Recent Exhibitions

A solo show by Lorna Robertson at Alison Jacques Gallery

A collection of paintings in sweet, sorbet colours filled with a mix of abstracted forms and ethereal watercolour marks. Like diving into a dream.

‘The Weight of Colour’ at Kravitz Contemporary

A duo show with Rosa Roberts and Luke Hamman; vibrant, colourful and joyful - what more could you want from an exhibition.

‘Echoes & Hours’ by Megan Rooney at Kettles Yard, Cambridge

The wall mural, the free flowing marks, the energetic works, the highlight of my trip to Cambridge.

‘Too Close To Me’ by Sydney Albertini at Tristan Hoare Gallery

A body of work that details the artist’s recovery from surgery, a manifestation of her inner world. I loved the textile details, from the fabric drapery to the clash of patterns.