Back from the craggy North Cornish coast where the primroses were sprouting, and daffodils were being picked in fields, ready for their journey to London flower markets. We had a few sunny days interspersed with good ole’ mizzle (had the true Cornish experience) a few pasties were consumed after treacherous coastal walks in heavy rain. Morning cold water swimming sessions (I say ‘swimming’ loosely, it may have been more of a ‘dip’) and exploring new areas (St Agnes was a standout!) and back to old favourites; Booby’s Bay, Rock, Daymer Bay, Padstow, Constantine and the woodlands on the Lanhydrock Estate, places that hold a lot of happy memories. Now it’s back to springtime in London (I class early March as the start of spring as it’s when my birthday is) and the excitement and culture of a city, but first I want to reminisce on the peace, stillness and beauty of Cornwall…