It’s September already! Summer has been and gone, heatwaves, drought and now torrential rain and falling leaves. After a successful collaboration with Jigsaw, launching the Paint Drops clothing collection I went to Norfolk for a well deserved break. I spent most of my time swimming in the sea, having picnics on the beach, and exploring the Norfolk landscape - known for it’s wide open skies, flat land, and distant horizons - a perfect antidote to months of numerous heatwaves spent in London.
Late summer back in the city featured visits to a few exhibitions, my favourite being the Irving Penn and Richard Learoyd photography exhibition at Hamiltons gallery and a series of Martha Jungwirth paintings at Ely House. Both were incredibly beautiful with inspiring colour combinations, see images below.
More images of studio scenes, recent works, oil pastel studies, flower markets, vegetable stalls, summer fruit bounty, the most delicious cherry frangipane tart at Jolene, wonders around East London, Losing Eden by Lucy Jones (highly recommend) signs of Autumn, wild blackberries, and me modelling the Jigsaw Paint Drops dress from my collaboration.
Looking towards the end of the year, I have a residency planned at the Skopelos Foundation of Arts on the Greek island of Skopelos, where I will be working on a body of textiles inspired by the landscape and local dye plants. Before going back to the studio to develop the collection further for an exhibition early in 2023 - lots of exciting things planned for the end of 2022 and into the new year.